Information for authors: Sociological and Political Studies. New Series

The journal Sociological and Political Studies. New Series accepts original texts exclusively; the submitted texts must not be under consideration for publication in any other journals or books.

The journal also publishes texts in English if they are written neatly and are evaluated positively in the usual qualification process. Both Polish and English texts may be rejected by the editorial team due to negligent language. The journal does not charge any fees to authors.

The articles should be submitted electronically as attachments in the MsWord standard (.doc or .docx) to the following e-mail address: The articles must have titles (Polish and English), an abstract in English (up to 150 words) as well as up to five keywords in Polish and English (singular nouns or multi-word terms).

The journal also accepts review essays and reviews; these can have a title. The editors do not return texts that had not been ordered. The submitted book reviews should cover publications that are not older than two years, counting from the planned date of publication of a given issue.

The abstract attached to the text should be prepared in the form of a continuous text and contain information about the theoretical background of the argument, its objectives, methods of analysis and the results of empirical research or the conclusions of analysis, if the article is purely theoretical or review-based.

Technical requirements

The authors are kindly requested to comply with the following directives: size A4; font Times New Roman; line spacing 1,5; justified text, margins 25mm; pagination bottom right corner; continuous page numbering; the main title in bold and centred; other titles aligned to the left and in bold. New paragraphs should begin with an indentation.

Tables should be suitably numbered and titled, while graphs numbered and captioned. Pictures, maps, and charts can only be black and white. Tables, maps, and pictures should be appended on separate pages at the end of the text.

The texts should not be signed. The details of the author submitting the text (full name, academic title, affiliation, phone number, postal address, e-mail address) should be attached in a separate file so that anonymity can be ensured. One can also include information about their ORCID profile. Authors should avoid in-text information that could potentially facilitate their identification. References to their own works and publications should be made in third person or impersonally. In case of multi-authored articles we ask that the main author be indicated, with their surname being given as the first one. All authors are obliged to give their e-mail addresses as well as information regarding affiliations (name of the institution and its postal address). We also ask that valid mailing addresses of all authors of a given article be provided.

The submission of a text is tantamount to declaring that the article is an exclusive and original work of the author/s, and any participation of other people who contributed to the writing of the text has been noted, e.g. in a footnote or acknowledgment that would state the character of help obtained (sharing data, devising analytical methods, methodological consultation, etc.)

Suggested bibliography system is the Chicago Manual of Style

Szczepański, Jan (1969), Elementarne pojęcia socjologii. Warszawa: PWN.

Wejland, Andrzej P. (1991), Ukryte porównania. "Studia Socjologiczne", no. 1–2: 9-108.

Kymlicka, Will (1995), Multicultural Citizenship. A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights. Oxford–New York: Clarendon Press–Oxford University Press.

Gutmann, Amy, and Dennis Thompson (2004), Why Deliberative Democracy?, Princeton, NJ–Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2004.

Stokes, Susan C. (1998), Pathologies of deliberation. In: Deliberative Democracy, edited by Jon Elster. Cambridge, UK–New York: Cambridge University Press.

Shapiro, Ian (2006), Stan teorii demokracji. Translated by Izabela Kisilowska. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.

Shklar, Judith N. (1987), The Sources of Social Power: A History of Power from the Beginning to A.D. 1760 by Michael Mann (review), "The Journal of Interdisciplinary History" 18, no. 2 (1987): 331-332.

With this bibliography system, in-text citations should take one of the two following forms:
… (Szczepański 1969: 31)
According to Jan Szczepański (1969: 31), …

If there are footnotes in the text, they should be rare, short, and placed at the bottom of a page.